How to Beatmatch (Part 3)

In Part 1 of How to beatmatch, we learned how to beatmatch on a very basic level, just matching the beats of two tracks playing at the same speed. In Part 2 we learned a useful trick to easier beatmatching by cueing the track the moment before the beat hits and releasing it at the same time as the beat is hitting in the track that’s playing. In Part 3 let’s learn how to beatmatch two tracks that have different speeds.

Let’s look at a realistic situation. You’re playing a track on Deck A and somewhere in the middle of it you want to blend into a new track on Deck B. So, while track A is playing you start cueing up track B in your headphones. You use the technique from How to Beatmatch (Part 2) and find the moment right before a beat hits at a part of Track B that you want to blend in.

As you’re previewing the Track B in your headphones, you notice that it’s starting to get out of sync with Track A. This is where you’ll find that it’s crucial to really know your music. At this moment you have to figure out which beat is coming from which track. The only way to do this is to know what that track sounds like and how the beat sounds different from the beat of the other track. You can figure this out by trying to focus on just one of the tracks and getting a feel for the timing, or you can quickly switch back and forth between the tracks in your headphones. Another good way is to check the meters on your mixer. You’ll see which bar is late in bouncing up, and that’s the track you need to speed up. Use the tempo slider in conjunction with the jog wheel (or the actual record) to do this.

This process takes a lot of practice and you’ll be doing a lot of trial and error. Don’t worry about it, this is the whole point of practicing. Once you master this technique, you can safely say that you have learned how to beatmatch. And you’ll be well on your way to learning all the other aspects of mixing music.

Now you have the basics of learning how to beatmatch. The most important thing is that you have fun DJing. As long as you keep it fun, you will stay interested in it and won’t mind practicing. The key to being a good DJ is practice practice practice, just like with anything else. So have fun, practice a lot, and you’ll start seeing results pretty quickly!

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