Starting Cubase

Let's start by looking at the page that first pops up when Cubase loads.

cubase main interface

This is the arrangement window where you arrange the blocks of audio and midi. See how the colored blocks are set out. These are sounds coming in and out.

The gray bar on the right is called the "track info" this tells you details about the currently selected track. You can apply audio effects if you have an audio track selected by clicking on the little blue and green buttons. (Effects are discussed later in this page when we deal with the mixer.)

  • Right and left locators: these set the loop point in your song. You often want say 4 or 8 bars to repeat while you make changes so you can compare. You left click in the grey bar at the top to set the left locator, and right click to set the right locator.
  • Audio tracks: these are the mono or stereo channels in which you place chunks of audio such as your drum loops etc. You can also record audio into these channels by pressing the record button on the transport bar. The recording will be as long as the number of bars between the locators.
  • Midi tracks: This is where you place notes to control midi software and hardware such as virtual instruments and drum machines. Midi is just like music notation instead of giving sheet music to a musician you give midi to a synth.
  • Transport bar: This bar is always on top. It is where you ste the tempo of the track. Where you press play, stop and record. You also set the song to loop between the locators by pressing the button with a circular arrow on it.

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